Monday, 11 May 2015

First Day at School, Teacher's Expectations

First Day at School,  Teacher's Expectations
 What are the signs that will let a New Entrant Teacher know that this child is ready to learn to read and write?

Self Awareness (Disposition)
1.     Able to look after themselves and their things E.g. Can hang up their bag and coat, put away their lunch box, at the end of the day can put on their coat and pack their bag ready for the journey home
1.     Shows an awareness of others E.g. Can smile, and be friendly to others, is able to wait, take turns, move around with a consideration for others and show empathy
2.     Behaves appropriately in a range of situations
3.     Perseveres at a task and overcomes obstacles
4.     Settles after the departure of a caregiver and to a given task

Knowledge of Sound
1.     Can hear and describe environmental sounds
2.     Able to identify and distinguish between common sounds
3.     Able to listen to a simple set of instructions and carry them out
4.     Can hear the beginning and end sound in a word
5.     Can give letter names to 10 sounds of the alphabet
6.     Knows the sound that his name starts with
7.     Can name the letter that makes this sound
8.     Can respond to rhythm, move to a simple beat
9.     Can hear and repeat rhymes
10.  Can hear and enjoy alliteration

Visual Knowledge
1.     Can recognise patterns, and repeat a simple pattern
2.     Can complete a simple puzzle
3.     Can sort shapes
4.     Can draw their own interpretation of their world and experiences
5.   Can recognise and name most colours: Red, blue, yellow, green, black and white.

Spatial Awareness
1.     Has an awareness of the space around themselves
2.     Understands the concept of up, down, around, under, over, out and in
3.     Developing an understanding of beside, behind, between and position, (first, second etc…)
4.     Able to find their way around a familiar environment

Book Knowledge
1.     Knows that books give pleasure
2.     Knows that books can give information
3.     Have experienced being read to lots of times
4.     Have experience of being read their favourite books lots and lots
5.     Can read their favourite book in their own words
6.     Can retell a favourite story in their own way
7.     Can discuss a book illustration and use it to predict what a story might be about
8.     Know what the cover of a book is and where to begin reading
9.     Developing sequencing skills

Print Knowledge
1.     Recognise that sounds can be written as letters for about 10 sounds e.g.  ’t’  can be written as t
2.     Can write their own name, (the letters may be quite wobbly) using a capital and lower case letters appropriately.
3.     Can write some letters
4.     Can write their own story with purposeful marks and “read”  these marks in a way that has meaning to them
5.     Recognise signs that covey meaning e.g. Stop in a stop sign

Motor Skills
1.     Is active and can move freely
2.     Enjoys running about
3.     Can sit still for small periods of time
4.     Can hold a large paint brush
5.     Can hold a pencil firmly
6.     Can use scissors
7.     Can dress themselves

Imagination and Creativity
1.     Is curious
2.     Has a desire to find out
3.     Is able to explore their understanding of their world, people and things in it through their imagination and creative expression
4.     Is able to express themselves and their understanding of things, events and situations through imaginative play, artwork, a sandpit play, storytelling, woodwork construction, a dance etc...
5.     Is able to extend their understanding and knowledge by applying it to new situations

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